Author: Stabiladmin
We are looking for new board members!
Are you a new C&S Master student and want to be part of the new STABILO board of next year? Do you want to organize drinks, lunch lectures and most importantly the C&S barbecue at the end of this year? Then make sure to leave your email address in the […]
TWD In-House Activity

IMPORTANT Due to low registration numbers, the TWD In-house activity is cancelled. In partnership with the D.S.A. Kalman study association (Systems & Controls Mechanical Engineering Master), you are invited to an in-house activity at TWD’s offices (in Rotterdam), on Wednesday June 7th from 13:30-17:30. The afternoon will be filled with […]
PAL-V Lunch Lecture

You are invited to attend the lunch lecture from PAL-V on Monday the 22nd of May at 12:45 in lecture hall B, presented by David van Proosdij. During this lunch lecture, David will be presenting PAL-V (personal air and land vehicle), the world’s first flying car developed here in the […]
Lunch Lecture To70

You are invited to attend the lunch lecture titled “When will we fly without pilots or air traffic controllers?” from To70 on Thursday the 8th of December at 12:45 in lecture hall B, presented by Dr. ir. Maarten Tielrooij (C&S Alumnus) and Lupita Schalk. The advent of more and more […]
PubQuiz C&S Vs SAT 2022 Q2

Join us on the 6th of December at the Atmosfeer, 17:30 in the ultimate challenge: The C&S vs. SAT Pubquiz! Free drinks and snacks will be provided. Register below before December 4th! Schedule: Door opens: 17:30 Pubquiz start: 18:00Pubquiz end (latest): 20:00Atmosfeer closing time: 21:00
Lunch Lecture by Spilios Theodoulis; Respect the Unstable: A Robust (Flight) Control Paradigm

On Wednesday the 23rd of November at 12:45, the new C&S associate professor Spilios Theodoulis will give a lunch lecture in lecture hall B titled: “Respect the Unstable: A Robust (Flight) Control Paradigm”. During his presentation, he will amongst others introduce his research field of robust control and its application […]
Lunch Lecture: Realistic Hydrogen-Based Solutions for Sustainable Aviation

Edit: For people that cannot attend physically, the lunch lecture will be broadcasted online As part of his visit to the LR Faculty on Friday October 21st, professor John-Paul Clarke (University of Texas at Austin) will be presenting his latest contributions on hydrogen applications in aerospace during a lunch lecture […]
Graduating at C&S lunch lecture 2022

Joins us on Monday March 14th in lecture hall A from 12:45 to 13:35 to get information about the process involved in starting and completing a thesis in the different C&S research groups! During this lecture, Clark will give a general introduction about the MSc thesis process at C&S after […]
Lunch Lecture Lilium

You are invited to attend the Lunch Lecture from Lilium presented by a C&S Alumni Wouter Plaetinck on December 6th at 12:40 in Lecture Room A in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (maximum 75 in-person participants). The lunch lecture will also be streamed online (link provided once registered). During […]
Table Tennis Tournament

Hello everyone! STABILO is organizing a table tennis tournament at X for C&S students (incl. FREE drinks and snacks) this thursday (25th of November). The winners will get an award! There are limited spots so claim one now!