Lunch Lecture To70

You are invited to attend the lunch lecture titled “When will we fly without pilots or air traffic controllers?” from To70 on Thursday the 8th of December at 12:45 in lecture hall B, presented by Dr. ir. Maarten Tielrooij (C&S Alumnus) and Lupita Schalk.
The advent of more and more advanced AI and algorithms may well make the pilot and air traffic controller obsolete in the future, but when? And if so, how do we get there? The introduction of advanced automation in a complex and conservative system as ATM is one of the areas where To70 provides its expertise. In this lecture To70 will talk about how they look at such automation, how they help keeping the system working in the meantime, and what opportunities they have for working in aviation in Europe.
Register below (before Tuesday 6th 12:00) for Free Lunch! (Open to all)
We hope to see you at the lunch lecture!
About Dr. Maarten Tielrooij
Graduated at C&S in 2008 on the development of an interface for managing continuous descend approaches (The Time-Space Diagram). After graduation he moved to the UK to work as a systems engineer on the UK ANSP’s ATC systems. In 2011 he returned to C&S to pursue a PhD on managing arrivals in the presence of prediction uncertainty which he finished last October. Since 2016 he has been working for To70 as a senior consultant mainly focused on Air Traffic Management. In addition, he manages To70’s internal capabilities in analytics and software.
About To70:
“Serving the Aviation Community by designing and optimising airport and airspace operations”
To70 is one of the world’s leading aviation consultants providing research and advisory services to the global aviation community. To70 was founded in The Netherlands in 2000 and has since expanded with offices in Europe, Australia, Asia and the Americas. Our clients include airports, airlines, governments and air navigation service providers. At To70 we believe that society’s demand for transport and mobility can be met in a safe, efficient, environmentally friendly and economically viable manner. To achieve this, policy and business decisions have to be based on objective information. With our diverse team of specialists and generalists we provide pragmatic solutions and expert advice, based on high-quality data-driven analyses.
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