TWD In-House Activity

Due to low registration numbers, the TWD In-house activity is cancelled.
In partnership with the D.S.A. Kalman study association (Systems & Controls Mechanical Engineering Master), you are invited to an in-house activity at TWD’s offices (in Rotterdam), on Wednesday June 7th from 13:30-17:30. The afternoon will be filled with activities! Planned are a presentation of TWD, a (crafty-) case study and drinks to end the day. Register below to join the activity!
Although TWD’s expertise is concentrated on offshore and heavy civil solutions, they design complex control systems such as stabilized gripper arms used in the installation of monopiles. This gripper arm offsets any movement and rotation generated by the sea state. Interaction with the ship’s control system is also required to allow precise installation of monopiles.
TWD offices are located 5 min from the station Marconi Plein in Rotterdam:
Lee Towers – Ground floor
Galvanistraat 199
3029AK Rotterdam
About TWD
Unfortunately, due to low registration numbers, the event is cancelled.