Lunch Lecture by Spilios Theodoulis; Respect the Unstable: A Robust (Flight) Control Paradigm

On Wednesday the 23rd of November at 12:45, the new C&S associate professor Spilios Theodoulis will give a lunch lecture in lecture hall B titled: “Respect the Unstable: A Robust (Flight) Control Paradigm”.
During his presentation, he will amongst others introduce his research field of robust control and its application in various aerospace systems. He will also present the newly founded AEROCON (AErospace Robust Flight CONtrol) research group he created within the Aerospace GNC cluster in the Control & Simulation section. Furthermore, he will be discussing about the new robust control elective course offered in Q4 (AE4351) and research opportunities for master students.
Register below (before Tuesday 22nd 9:00) for Free Lunch! (only free lunch for C&S Students, PhD and staff)
About Spilios Theodoulis
Spilios studied at the University of Patras in Greece and at the University of Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France. He then obtained his PhD from SUPELEC and the University Paris XI on the topic of wide-envelope robust control of aerospace systems. He worked jointly and received support from government and industry (including Airbus, MBDA, Thales, Dassault Aviation, etc.) for performing basic and applied research and has collaborations with several academic partners (including ONERA, CRAN, Cranfield University, TU Dresden, UniStra, etc.). Furthermore, he is the co-recipient of the MBDA 1 Star Innovation Award and 2 Star Innovation Award (2019). He serves in several technical committees (AIAA GNC, IFAC Aerospace, CEAS GNC) and in the organizing and program committees of conferences related to his field (AIAA SciTech, IFAC WC/ACA, EuroGNC, etc.).
About the AEROCON
The AErospace dynamics and RObust CONtrol (AEROCON) research group within the C&S section focuses on two (complementary) fields. First, modeling and flight dynamics of complex aerospace systems, including uncertainty modeling and linear/nonlinear-parameter-varying dynamics. Second, (multivariable) stability and control systems spanning from robust/adaptive control and analysis to control allocation and anti-windup algorithms, and from gain scheduling to linear-parameter varying identification and control. Other interests include control theory-inspired guidance algorithms and integrated guidance and control. The algorithms and knowledge developed in the group are showcased in several classes of systems (including the facilities of the C&S section such as SIMONA, PH-LAB, etc.) like civil and fighter aircraft, rotorcraft, drones as well as guided systems and in collaboration with fellow colleagues.
Registration is now closed. You can still attend, without free lunch provided